In the past, brewing beer using kits and malt extracts may have been said to produce an inferior beer when compared to all-grain brewing. Indeed you will still hear and read that many believe this remains the case.
When Gladfield Malt launched their Manuka Smoked MaltI was intrigued. Maybe you could say I was a little sceptical as well as my previous experiences with smoked beers haven’t been the best. Although my overall impression of smoked beers may have been coloured by Yeasty Boys Rex Attitude, which just isn't my sort of beer. It could also have something to do with my preference for hoppy beers.
Whilst making yoghurt is not a new thing to me, I was keen to use the Mad Millie Greek Yoghurt Kit to see how it may differ from what I have made before. The kit comes in a glass jar and includes a thermometer, cheese cloth, and 5 sachets of culture, everything you need to make lots of yoghurt.